

Love heals all wounds…

Not really, though I might be willing to concede that caring causes most…

Denial – not just a river in Egypt…

Funny. Ha ha! But not. At least not when it really matters…

Truth speaks for itself…

Perhaps the biggest lie of All, because it means nothing, if no one can actually hear it.

***. ***. ***

And in the end, what does it really matter? We will do what we will do, regardless of love, awareness or truth. We will believe what we want to believe, regardless of what wisdom, experience or knowledge we possess. We will trust ourselves before all others, even when we know that we are wrong…


I have no real idea other than the fact that truisms stand by themselves. Static little moments in a dynamic, ever-changing reality. Anchors in a stormy sea of unrelenting tides and passions…

Hope springs eternal…

Though only in a world where time is irrelevant.


13 thoughts on “Truisms…

    • I like that – “hope springs internal”!

      I think maybe many of us are feeling a little blue lately. But for myself, as regards this post anyway, it was not so much that as facing some hard truths. Denial is a powerful thing, and self-destructive behavior and beliefs crop up at the oddest and worst of times. Watching someone you love engage in self-delusion, when you know they know better. Then realizing you’re doing it yourself…

      A hard pill to swallow…


      • It can be easy to delude one’s self, all it takes is a moment of being off-guard. But despite that, I know you will correct yourself. It is when the one you are watching delude theirself–if you do not know if they can correct themself, of if they even want to correct themself, that is when you worry, and wonder if you should step in.
        The answer to that is never easy, but if they are to learn from their own mistakes you must let then screw up, and hope internally that they do so before it is too late. No, this is not easy, but it is necessary. You cannot live their life. They must!


  1. Challenging post, challenging thoughts. Looking at commonly expressed concepts from a different angle than the usual…
    “Love heals all wounds” is considered a truism but in fact it is a falsism or a fallacy. If we learned to care without attachment(s) we could beat that problem.
    “Truth speaks for itself” …and will say anything we wish to hear since the concept is totally subjective. “What is truth?” asked Pilate of Jesus, and his answer was anything but enlightening. What would it take to be able to hear “Truth”? First we’d need to know what truth is, or if such a thing even exists in this universe.
    “Hope springs eternal” – also a truism that means nothing since hope is but sand sifting through one’s fingers and of no use once one reaches infinity or eternity.
    “And in the end, what does it really matter? We will do what we will do, regardless of love, awareness or truth. We will believe what we want to believe, regardless of what wisdom, experience or knowledge we possess. We will trust ourselves before all others, even when we know that we are wrong…”
    We are made to stand thus, and I for one would want all to so stand, but when we believe we are “wrong” it’s only because we do not trust our own judgment and base our self-condemnation on imposed thoughts from others.
    Vive l’independence et la liberte!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oops… not done yet. Lol!

      I meant to add: or when we are feeding our denial and engaging in self-delusion, desperate to believe what we already know to be false, but wish it were not. Based entirely upon our own past experiences and current intuitions, set in manufactured opposition to what we want.

      “I know better, but just this once, I hope I am wrong, so I will act accordingly.”


      • The world is changing, Lisa, and it will go hard with those who insist on sticking with the “collective” truth or hanging on to facts. Now is the time for self empowerment and reliance upon our own intuition and thought processes. The next age will be the age of the self empowered individual. It will know no collective “knowledge” for it will have no need of it. Some of us, in our minds, have already tasted the freedom from the paddock and the herd. We are mutating.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Lisa, Tubularsock LOVE your posts. They are always so real!

    BUT what is real? Is real a “truism”?

    REAL is what WE make up at any given moment and only lasts as long as we can maintain its realness.

    Then it’s gone!

    And where does it go?

    Back where all things “real” go when they can no longer be maintained in the thought that created them.

    (an aside: when you look in that space you may also discover that one sock you lost and your keys that are missing, just sayen’.)

    Tubularsock has found that IT’S ALL MADE-UP!

    And we are the doer in the makeup game. We make it up as we go along EVERY MOMENT!

    Now none of this is new information. This realization goes back thousands of years and yet we still don’t get it!

    However, Tubularsock will spare you from continuing.

    Hell, Tubularsock is just making it up …………………………….. and it’s already gone!

    Oh wow, Tubularsock just found his keys!

    Liked by 1 person

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